Halloween War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by QUINN, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Provisionally signing up. Team ghoulie. Naturally 
  2. Joining on ignota's side 
  3. Not joining. War will start at like 4am est
  4. Signing up for myself and YAK-JIU-LEAKY_WAR_BRAT_MONSTER Ghouls side
  5. I wnt to be a Ghost
  6. My friend wants me to sign him up.

    I_T zidon
    525 kcs

    Or whatever side im on lol
  7. I_T-zidon-

    sry. Forgot to add the dashes
  8. Ghoul side
    Idk around 100kcs
  9. Ghoul side
    324kcs.. Will upgrade probably .
  10. Ghoul
  11. I'm in ?
  12. In no details in stats yet war still far to go...
  13. Do you realize Halloween is in October?
  14. we need some goblins too lol.
  15. Ghouls side. Kcs 334atm. Will ug b4 war
  16. Ghouls FTW lehho, lcbc.. changes name alot
  17. Ghouls FTW leggo, lcbc.. changes name alot
  18. Nvm, goblins.. lol just saw the sides