Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by A51-MIKELAWREY-, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Jenny you fail at life :cool:
  2. Pssst. Mike, I seen Casper and Cher with redbulls and talking about stealing some cheese 
  3. Jenny get a life you can't make a thread :lol:
  4. I ain't got no cheese *wipes mouth*
  5. Casper 
    (shh, quick hide the redbulls, I won't tell Mike. )
  6. Anyone need a good tut check out mine
  7. Tuts don't go with hamburgers  youre thinking of ketchup
  8. michelle 
  9. No no I got a great tut!
  10. Jenny, your a fail. Don't hurt yourself as u exit my thread. Berck, BBQ is in the back and apparently NWO saw Cher with your cheese again. I think we have more fridge thieves and someone left the front door open 
  11.  yum!! Lol hello everyone! 
  12. I want coffee

      = 
  13. Lora came round we chilled and she produced some redbulls out of the bag mike I'd look in that direction
  14. I still say berck took it. He still owes me a Siew Mai and my magnum
  15. Lora, phan says u have them ill give you all the coffee you want just please please please can i just have one Wiiings  ill give u a massage with your coffee too 