 War. Probably 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kaitoh, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. War count me in on fei_xain side
  2. 200 people will sign up...20 people will show up. :[
  3. Me ! on my pup side ?
  4. WAR! Count me in. 1.5mcs here
  5. BUMP
  6. I'll see if I have time around June?
  7. Dear Kai Kai,

    Mr Yam would like to war. So many old schools peeps in this thread, great to see some are still hanging around
  8. I'll come out of retirement for a war!

    Yam 3/3/0 d
  9. Omg its Kxau. Long time no see dude. (Its heather btw.)

    And back on topic. Any ideas when this war will happen?
  10. war?dormy's side!
  11. Support! And will join if not working. Work consumes my soul.

  12. I'm in, providing no rl conflict.
  13. But we love parties :'(
  14. NO to war!
    YES to parties! ^_^