The Rating Game

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Strategy, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Feel the love D':
  2. 8 since I see him in forums all the time 
  3. Infinity 
  4. Aw man.. Infinity plus whole of the universe
  5. Infinity plus every last thing EVAR 
  6. Infinity plus the never ending universe
  7. Infinity plus more than infinity plus more than infinity of what you just said
  8. I meant that for giant 
  9. More than the ppl in China plus India plus all the planets . Stars. All the animals
  10. Mines still more 
  11. And plus the infinities of infinity.
  12. I give you a Infinity times Stephen Hawking X3
  13. Man .. Um... Um.. I give u all the ratings
  14. I give you all the ratings, and more 
  15. I give u Everything
  16. I give you more than that and sleep cause I gtg, goodnight good rated lover 