The Rating Game

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Strategy, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Forum noobs rating me

    Tsk tsk.
  2. Lol a 0 for racist one 
  3. 0 for racist and ignorant 
  4. Lol how am I racist?
    And I don't think you can rate me more than once
  5. Signing off for the night
    5 for Laura
    I guess
  6. That was for Sam btw
  7. Mine was for shadow. Sam you get a 9
  8. At least it's better than Ken xP
  9. See the racist one is rating herself 0  how cute
  10. Will you two please stop harassing each other.
  11. 0 :p I just harassed warrior
  12. Love ya green