The Rating Game

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Strategy, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. I can't believe there is someone who still hasn't seen or heard of me.

  2. 5, because it's popularity and it seems many don't like you.
  3. Ha, I'm loved by many and hated by few.

    2 because I don't even know you but you still have an opinion about me.

    PS- the bandwagon is not the best way to form an opinion.
  4. 5, again.

    I have no opinion of you personally, which would be why I rated 5, as being in the middle, instead of either end of the spectrum. 
  5. 10 for dusk, I think.
  6. 10

    Oh this is on how much u like people ??  i thought it was about how much u see them on forums 
  7. -2098 , Jk

    Ummmmmmm 7
  8. U know me or u just judging my stats I judge by stats lol