Royal Treatment

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jihi, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. The four of us slowed our horses and walked in pairs. I tried to resolutely look forward as I felt the intense pressure coming off the three princes. Prince Kirtak and von Adler followed Prince DeGillus and I, as we made our way along the trail.

    “My apologies, lady Werner,” Zane said quietly, the only other noise the clopping of hooves and the wild snorting of Siegfried’s high-strung horse. “We did not mean to interrupt your outing.”

    “N-No,” I stuttered, unable to look him in the eye. Even though Prince Ian and I hadn’t been doing anything, I felt that I had been caught being naughty somehow.

    “I still don’t understand why you’re still pulling these types of tricks.” Siegfried chimed up from behind us. “It’s utterly despicable.”

    “I think you misunderstand,” Prince Kirtak said curtly, his voice cutting through Prince von Adler’s anger. “There are no tricks here. I asked her to come.”

    I couldn’t bear to look so I kept my eyes upon my hands resting loosely upon the pommel, clutching the reins so tightly my knuckles were white. It felt unbearable that these princes were chattering about me while I was present.

    “Enough,” Siegfried said angrily. “Kirtak, come with me. I have something to discuss.”

    Siegfried gave his horse a squeeze and he barreled past me, spooking my horse. I caught Ian’s grim look as he passed by Zane. Their fast pace quickly left Zane and I behind.

    Our ride continued in silence as our horses walked along in the cold wintery air. I could see the tracks of the other prince’s horses before us. When I at last looked to my left I caught Zane staring at me. I blushed and quickly looked away. His intense gaze was sorrowful somehow.

    I could feel him grinning at me, which made me even more self-conscious. “You’re naiveté makes you all the more adorable,” he said with a little laugh.

    “Y-Your highness,” I gasped, trying to melt into the saddle. “Please don’t say that kind of thing…”

    Zane laughed again, the first time I had seen him so relaxed. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable in the slightest. Forgive me.”

    I looked over just in time to see him placing a hand across his chest and bowing his head towards me. Flustered, I looked away. He lifted his hand to his mouth and hid a chuckle as his eyes creased from amusement.

     “Are you feeling more comfortable now?” Zane asked me, his voice gentle.

    “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

    Zane shrugged a little, the wrap around his shoulders sliding further down his back. “When we arrived you were very tense. Right now, you seem much more relaxed.”

    I hadn’t thought about it but his words were true. The strain between Siegfried’s fiery personality and Ian’s stubborn one had worried me before but now that they had gone ahead the anxiety was gone. Zane’s deep voice also had a calming effect and it was easy to get carried into his pace.

    “Thank you,” I said with a smile. “I do feel better now.”

    Zane regarded me with his clear blue eyes before giving me a small smile as well.  “Good.”
  2. Do people really spend this much time writing all this stuff?
  3.  What do you mean by that?

    Awesome update, Jihi! 
  4. 
  5. *cough* Bump *cough*
  6. Bump . I haven't read this in so long... I just re-read this . This should be a movie .
  7. 
  8. 
  10. 
  11. OMG AMAZING AND AWESOME UPDATES JIHI!!! :D Btw Chelsea I loved your message and I completely agree! :) BUMP! ツ
  12. 
  13. Ugh Jihi! When are you going to update
  14. Really great read, hope for an update soon tho. 
  16. 

    Hurry, Jihi! I don't want the cute little babies to die! 
  17. Thanks olivia . Can't help it, she's just so amazing but I wish she updated faster
  18. Hey guys I have a story, I've just started. Not many readers, but I hope you'd check it out and give me a reason to continue if you like it. Sorry jihi, but I'm taking a chance. It called "new one right here", as I didn't have a name. Maybe on 5th or 6th page if you're interested