 Royalty RP 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NeonQueen, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. -Sits under a tree-
  2. Walks through the woods sadly
  3. Hears crying and walks towards it-
  4. -Curls up in a ball and sobs-
  5. Sees the girl fro Earlier and picks her up walking back to my house
  6. -Doesn't try to get away from him-
  7. I softy lay her on a blanket and cover her in it
  8. I sigh and rub the hair from her face
  9. Smiles and lays on the floor-
  10. (sorry Alida, sal, and I only rp together)
  11. I look at the girl and then move to her
  12. -Shivers with cold-
  13. Wraps arms around her-
  14. Curls up close to his chest-
  15. Smiles a little