 Royalty RP 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NeonQueen, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. -Slowly walks to him-
  2. Keeps my head down and doesn't notice-
  3. Jada: -Out exploring when she hits a panther- O-Oh..H-Hi... -Backs up and hits a tree-
  4. (Sam is with Jacob in an abandoned house)

    -Rests my chin on his head-
  5. (*House. Stupid sister is stupid.)
    Jada: ?...
  6. -Looks up at him-
  7. Looks up at her- yes?
  8. Nothing -Looks into his eyes-
  9. Looks back and stairs-
  10. Looks away and sighs
  11. -Looks away too-
  12. I rub the panthers back and sigh again
  13. -Starts to purr-
  14. Alida

    -sneaking her way out of the castle, a bag of her things over her shoulder-
  15. -I smile casually walking beside her-

    "Relax. It's a castle not a prison."
  16. -jumps at the sound of his voice, and turns-

    Shh they might hear us!

    -looking up at the castle then to him-
  17. -I chuckle-

    "So? As far as they know we're going to the market."