The sfw is nobody else's business besides the clubs that wound up involved. So please stop bringing it up and keeping it going. It's over and done with now. A cease fire was agreed upon. Move on.
Second really strange thingies just noticed in that SS is Binda Collada's reaction Wonder why she thinks RS (her tag) is on her side, while she's at Ascension
Mike I'd stop this if i were you really quickly, enough is enough are you trying to flare the war up again? I'm quitting soon il take others down with me not a threat a promise
All i got was i need to supply a SS to continue this thread from people. I supplied a SS Why would you threaten to farm a person for your own club's words? I didn't say any of this, your club mates did.
Yeh and who the hell asked you to provide evidence huh? Who mike? Anyone relevant to this? No so grow up
It proves that there is contradiction between what Cherry posted on my thread about the innocent party, and what Cherry actually said in chat.
Do you mind if i call you judge just from now on mike? Is that cool? Could you also mention she left the club pretty much straight after it started or would that get in the way of a good story?
That ss also shows that the hitting started before the deadline so many wrongs don't make a right but hey it's over yeh so why do ppl not involved insist on making a name for themselves
If a player posts what she posted before a Sfw, I think it would pretty clear passion As to why it's my business.... I think it's everyone's business to here any of this stuff. Passion, why are you questioning me about it being my business, yet you are the one trying to patrol the thread? If you guys don't like my thread, you may happily go to another thread and let this die. If not, I encourage everyone to supply more info.