Strip Farm War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1.  I wasn't feeding into anything actually, so. Thanks my opinion was great.
  2. They protect the community from me

    I'm a monstaaa
  3.  spitfire
  4. I agree
    spit needs to be tamed
  5.  Spit needs to be flushed 
  6. you're free to do so pal
  7. .leave my zilla alone?she just a nice person
  8. Btw hi grandma & grandpa?
  9. Like I said before no background knowledge
  10. Spit was the cause ? he's so wild
  11. what's sf? I'm noob ?
  12. Strip farm
  13.  SF = strip farm
  14. interesting.
  15. it also means

  16. To my knowledge PE-Jake hired a bunch of tuts from Ascension members. Justin hired back, Jake started sf'ing him and Ascension club farmed Jake. PE retalliated but got smashed and Pun brought in RS even tho he said a few times it was dumb and he wasn't getting RS involved.
  17. Rumos has it
  18. Rumor.........

    And then Cherry got hit by an RS and she returned hits and then continued to get sf'd by RS for returning hits.
  19. ️what's the badass war cry?
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