I personally find this thread to be extremely ridiculous and a waste of time. All it will amount to is both sides bickering back and forth and telling their own side of the story. Nothing will be solved, and it's feeding the hunger of the pimd community for mindless gossip that has nothing to do with them. You're not going to get the real story from this thread, and if you're "team Ascension" or "Team PE" your opinions probably won't be swayed. Again. Pointless.
You keep talking about it being 'fair'. Was it fair when you all jumped on jake? One person? Was it fair when it was a sfw against a club quite clearly weaker than you? No. None of it was fair. So please don't play the fair card. If you wanted it fair, then this should have been kept a 1vs1.
I agree with Jen, this thread is pointless and the one(s) before this one. I don't know why people thought it would be a good idea to bring it up in forums. It's no one else's business
Look, I didn't hit anyone and won't.. I left Ascension because quite frankly this whole thing is stupid and I wasn't about to fight for something I didn't believe in nor did I want to be a causality in a war I didn't believe in. But seriously, and I know this is coming late... a cease fire should be just that.... A cease fire. No terms, no telling people they can't go back to clubs, no making people drop stats, tags... Nothing. A cease fire just what it sounds like... A cease fire. Hasn't anyone ever told any of you that there are no winners in war? Or has this game and the plunders in "official club wars" blinded you all of that? No one is winning here. There is no tax to keep, no "good jobs" and "well fought" to exchange with the other club... Just people are being told to choose long time friends or leave clubs, people are loosing hard earned money and time that could be spent on other things. There are no bad guys here, and certainly no good ones either. Both sides will see the situation differently, both sides will come to different conclusions as will any argument. But I think we can all agree on at least this one thing... That it needs to end. Let me end with this: if you cannot see yourself looking back with pride about what you have done... It isn't worth doing.
Holy crap.. Finally finished reading ? Shurbert you amuse me All I gotta say is go Ascension ️? deuces
it's VIP club vs another, oh wow, VIP club! It was therefore not stats that drove this to be unfair, it was simply activity of hitters. Plus anyone involved in the original club vs club sfw will know that the whole of ascension was not in fact involved, and only a few that wished to be. We had a line group of around 20 players. And we did not hit all of PE, simply those involved. Therefore, this did start out relatively fair. Something which has been looked over until now
Can we just stop everything? .. This is honestly pointless, childish, and immatures.. Christmas is coming up and its suppose to season of giving.. Not season of immaturity selfishness and greed D:<