Strip Farm War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. Trace grow up little boy, she owns your tut because I asked her to hire it so Jake could leave pimd since he had a family tragedy. You want to bring that into this situation? Really show how truly mature and compassionate you. Have a little respect and give someone privacy, this is a game, real life comes first.
    And as for terms Justin I will happily show you the SS of those terms. Those terms I stated were the very FIRST terms set forth by one of your club owners, Chloe and Pun were in the convo as well and witnessed it, so hit me up for those SS. 
  2. Pun had made clear what the terms were at first. Mae you should write post it notes down so you don't get caught up in your lies yeah? 
  3. Some DV nonsense. Apology from jake and pe to get off ascension since you are all in love with us.
  4. This SFW is immature and really stupid..
  5. I think it's best this discussion move off of forums and into some more productive negotiations in the morning. Afterwards you can all have a field day discussing conspiracy theories and the likes.

    All this current discussion is doing is adding fuel to a needless fire.
  6. I'm just saying....

    You look kind of bad here.

    4 clubs vs 1.
  7. Ascension, you guys were offered a cf very simple before anyone else got involved, you declined. Others got involved because of your unreal demands. And yes JennBunn lol congrats  our less than 10 people were simply no match for your 30 people hitting, wow I'm shocked...........absolutely remarkable  it's almost as amazing as your 10 members on my 1 member. More than one club is hitting you for a reason, own it.
  8. The rest are just sheep.
  9. Mae you're so full of it
  10. Justin, I don't really care what I look like to be quite honest. I am in a no win situation. I sit back and do nothing and I wil, be critiqued for not backing an Allie. I do something and I will be critiqued for being a bully. Either way you know your part in all of this so stop trying to divert attention from your own wrong doing and placing it on me.
  11. Quick question any rules how many clubs can join in sfw ?  is it something new in pimd ?
  12. Let it be between parties involved. Other clubs interfering for no reason while it's irrelevant to them are just sheep plain and simple.
  13. I've said my peace pun. I've tried talking to jake. He's so stuck on ME apologizing for ME getting strip farmed. You're better off coming to my house and breaking my phone.
  14. I still think this shit is stupid. Rising Stars I love you guys. Ascension I love you guys too. I feel RS needs to back out and let PE handle it. Or at least Justin and Jake handle.
  15. BB hire me
  16. All I can say is that this is completely and utterly ridiculous
  17. Considering you haven't tried talking to me forums seems to be the only place pun  I'm kinda silenced 
  18. ? Ben i wanna hug you and tell you how much i agree with you️
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