Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Doesn't know the true meaning of Pupmis(Dog version of Christmas)
  2. :3

    Lives in a candy house :D yummy
  3. Took my candy bone
  4. Is cursed until they know true meaning of Pupmis
  5. I'm dating a guy .. But like a another
  6. Is some kind of cheater... 
  7.   hates me 
  8. Try out my thread please:)

     is gonna go too my thread :)
  9. Pfff... Thinks im going to go to her threat

    Jk:) i will
  10. Lmao. Thx.

    Knows I'm stalking her. 
  11. 

    Is going to be eaten by a pony i love ponies so adorable and lovely
  12. Lol.

    Is going to be eaten by a unicorn 
  13. As long as that unicorn isnt a horse with a stick on its head and painted with colorful hearts that goes to ur 6 yr old party and bites ur arm, ill be fine

    Thinks my story is funny
  14. Yes very funny lmao. 

    Thinks I'm 60 years old 
  15. Nah... I thought u were 74...

    Eats food and throws up rainbows
  16. Lmao. I'm 18.

    Doesn't know how to dougie.
  17. Actually i dont:) haha:)

    Never showers
  18. Lol I don't know how to either. I take showers everyday 

    Secretly watches me in the shower. 