Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Likes talking in third-person very annoyingly.
  2. Is mad when someone corrects their grammar mistakes
  3. Doesn't realize I'm never mad 
  4. Is secretly wanting to share his cookies.
  5. There's very few things that get me angry  and i wont tell you them because you'd piss me off 
  6. Secretly loves Leo and wants to tell the secrets to him 
  7. Secretly wants to follow me
  8. Secretly is married to leo
  9. Secretly... Is a vampire that works as a disco ball at night to feed a growing heroine addiction.
  10.  likes it in the bum
  11. Had it...then lost it
  12. Secretly Married To Chocolate

  13. Doesn't know that my old name was chocolate 
  14. It Was?

    Secretly Knows That I Am A Mind Reader

  15. :lol: nickname

     stalks peoples minds
  16. Thinks the Mr in the corner is Cooooool
  17. Sleeps(not just sleeps) on a bloody couch
  18.  Some times its hard to get up
  19. Chews tomatoes daily