Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1.  secretly touches themself at night

  2. No comment
  3. is in love with there high school principal
  4. Secretly touching their dog at night
  5. No I don't  I got people for dat

     doesnt have secrets 

  6. I get the feeling that  will make this weirder...

    Has a craving for a chocolate chip pickle sundae
  7. Secretly doesn't touch anything at all
  8. Even tho I don't have a dog

    Secretly wishes they could touch Justin beiber
  9.  secretly looks at porn lmao. 
  10. is Justin bieber
  11. Secretly wish they WERE JB
  12. is wanting to touch there mom secretly
  13. LOL
    is weird
  14. Secretly loves Planking
  15.  secretly likes me  ah I'm going crazy
  16. got a 12 year old pregnant
  17. eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww

    Wants to be farmed.
  18. That was for the person b4 u jenna
  19. Lol ok. Lily. 

    lily secretly knows me. 