Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. secretly has a crush on Az 
  2. ^ but loves me more
  3. is lying through their teeth
  4. Did not say who is lying through their teeth
  5.  is loco coco
  6.  likes nyan cat
  7. Thinks Cabbage Patch Kids are food 
  8. I dont even know what that is..

     is Jim's personal stripper
  9. Runs with emus
  10. What is an jb? Is that some kind of bra?

     like burning people
  11. 

    Is naïve
  12. Jb = Justin bieber

     is cool
  13. What's an emus?
  14. Emu. Sort of like an ostrich.

    Leaps with dolphins
  15. Emus= ostrich like birds that are slightly more colorful and violent

    Wants to be my personal stripper
  16. Oh!

     is my personal stripper
  17. I already have a "personal stripper" and I love my personal stripper I only need one

    thinks the world is flat