Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Just epic failed they guy above him/her
  2. Still strange
  3. Strangerereed
  4. Überstrange
  5. Is really Tinkerbell
  6. Thinks the person above is cool
  7. Likes to lick pink eyes.
  8. Likes to smell toes
  9.  eats pirates
  10. Eats pirates toes
  11.  is wearing a diaper
  12. How do u know 
  13. Is now embarrassed cause everyone knows my secret
  14. Is emberassed
  15. makes me laugh
  16. Sneaked out of jail and then stoled a car and killed three people and headed to Washington D.C and disguised themselves as Dick Chainy and killed the president with a corndog and went back to prison to take a well earned nap