Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Has been saying everyone's secrets all over the threat
  2. Lol

    Wears a bear costume when no one is home .
  3. Weres there b day suit when no one is home
  4. Eats her eyebrows
  5. Likes to smell peoples ears
  6. Has tiny hands
  7.  Lives cookie monster
  8.  secretly live Susan Boyle
  9. Loves JB

    Do you mean love?
  10. eeewwww jb  I'll kill myself than love him 
  11. used to be a 
  12. Jagger moves like 
  13. Talks backwards
  14. Doesn't know I ment Jagger moves like him