Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. I see O_O

    Has a stalker called Slenderman :0
  2.  do I?

    Bites children for fun
  3. Likes dancing [​IMG] woaaaahhh!!!! YEAAAAAAAAHHHHH BUDDDDYYY!
  4. DANCE!!!!!!!!!!

    Chases ostriches
  5. [​IMG]

    Naahhhhh braahhhh!

    Likes to eat tacos!!!
  6. TACOS!!!!

    Throws a mean curveball ;)
  7. Doesn't know how to bunt
  8. Knows what "bunt" means...'cause I sure as heck don't know what it means :?
  9. Or do I? 

    Runs. Like lightning. Thunderbolt. 
  10. Lol bunting is when you basically stick your bat out and tap the ball instead of swinging at it in baseball or softball
  11. Is a man.... Jk

    Isn't athletic
  12. Hates old people
  13. Has been disowned
  14. Hides outside your window o_O
  15. Hides under people's bed. o_O
  16. Eats peoples toes from under their bed
  17. Tickles people's toes from under the bed