Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. No comment

    I don't. 
  2. Hasno comment and doesn't know very much 
  3. Pokes fun at others 

    Lmao! I do too! 
  4. leave me alone 

  5. Wears pink undies

    Lmao! Top that one 
  6. Wears Justin bieber undies 

    There I roped it
  7. Loves Justin Biebers Singing

    I would rather die!! 
  8. is totally wrong

    He is so girly
  9. Isnt a belieber.
  10. Likes to see my tomato garden
  11. Rude minded

    I dunno what your on about i love bieber NOT!!
  12. Has a rainbow colored water bed 
  13. I wish.

    Has a rainbow colored llama. :O
  14. Surfs the grand canyon
  15. How can you surf in rocks 0_0?

    Is a procrastinator. xP
  16.  as of today it's possible

    Hides in the closet from her pony in the bedroom