Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Likes to butter her feet lol idk i got nothing 

  2. Cloned themselves

    Then swallowed themselves whole 
  3. Ate a button thinking it was a pill
  4. Eats play dough
  5. Has made a voodoo doll for people she dislikes.
  6. Rooted for the orcs in lord of the rings
  7. Is the 'eye' from Lord of the Rings
  8. Hey that voodoo stuff is very offesenesive to me

    Comes from an alien planet
  9. Sorry

    Came to earth in peace
  10. Is a mall cop
  11. Is a columbian drug lord
  12. voodoo is a deadly religion so kids don't try this at home

    Likes steak and hates hippes
  13. Likes to square dance naked
  14. Voodoo is a religion? :?

    Dances with a scare-crow.
  15. Swallows goldfishes for brunch
  16. Eats Spirogyra for dinner
  17. Can turn inside out at will