Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Who is that?

    Knows professor utonium
  2. [​IMG]

    Him  is charlie pace
  3. Oh. Funny hairstyle.

    Sold Santas prezzos
  4. Got his toes cut off
  5. Has an imaginary friend
  6. Stabs chemistry books repeatedly until they bleed out, screaming bloody murder
  7. Who told u that? it was a secret. Can't sleep without night light.
  8. Eats the Irish flag
  9. Broke Adele's heart
  10. Is too country
  11. Country 

    Dresses like a hobo
  12. Bathes People she hates Zakh Meh
  13. Noms on hobos clothes. Omnomnomnomnomnom
  14. I NO HATE!!!! I DISLIKE!!!
  15. Love playing with fire
  16. Is too nice and needs to not buy people thingys
  17. You still remember  damn it

    Doesn't want my gifts but I will still give 
  18. Will not gift me because he is a rich kid