Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Lies

    Thought about becoming a transsexual before deciding to just get plastic surgery
  2. o_O

    Finishes fried fish fins
  3. Always got the definition for alliteration wrong in high school English so must now make up for it.
  4. How no what....

    Likes to .... When she .... With ..... At the ....!
  5. Needs to learn how to spell dots
  6. I'm still in high school.

     is speechless o_O
  7.  was meant for 
  8. Has big eyes O.O
  9. O.O 

    Likes to chase dragonflies o_O
  10. O.O 

    Likes to chase dragonflies
  11. Knows two is the magic number!!!
  12. Likes the number 42
  13. Looks at naked dogs!
  14. Likes the number 69 

    Idk what that means though :?
  15. Very good!!!!

    Eats chicken...with the feathers and gobbler and everything
  16. Azarah is in love with Charlie Pace.
  17. Charlie pace?

    Lives in lala land with the teletubbies
  18. Yes. Charlie Pace.

    Azarah harvests opium