Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. This is still here? 
  2. 

    Rides killer zombie ponies to school where they feed on the flesh of the annoying children that never were and have always been
  3. Made a new animal like NYAN cat but with a bacon body

    Bayon Cat
  4.  how did you know!?
  5. DAWN!!

    Was chased by a pedo
  6. KANAME!! 

    Many times, actually. 
  7. 

    Has yelled at a kid to get in the van for candy.
  8. Sleeps with a real shrunken head
  9. 

    Has slept with pedobear 
  10. The child of pedobear's uncle
  11. Had...?

    Wishes he lived in a pineapple under the sea
  12. Eats hot dogs while skateboarding
  13. Lol

    Likes stalker . O.O
  14. Forgot to tell my secret
  15. Eats fried turkey brains 