Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. peed his pants until the age of 14 
  2. .__. azarah u ninja'd me
  3. Wishes she was Legally Blonde 
  4. 

    Has too many blonde moments
  5.  Faps to barney 
  6.  Sounds like some fun With Barney
  7. 


    Screams like a girl
  8. Puts snow Balls down Peoples Pants when bored
  9. Makes me bored when snow is available
  10. Scares Little kids While hiding under snow
  11. Eats the pink snow
  12. Puts yellow snow in her sisters bed
  13. Takes the yellow snow out of my sisters bed
  14. I refuse to go By her bed

    Likes getting cats
  15. Takes cats
  16. Puts gold fish in her bed
  17. Had cows abducted by flying monkey monsters