Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Has eaten curry before :?
  2. Has a twinkle bell collection
  3. Posts funny moving pics :?
  4. Whats curry???

    Is Quagmire frm family guy "giggity"
  5. Has a shelf full of barbie's heads
  6. Thinks justin beiber is his friend
  7. You don't what curry is?! It's a curry! something you eat...

    Likes Dean from Supernatural
  9. Is obsessed with Justin Beiber -_-'
  10. Sleeps with a shotgun
  11. Likes to sleep with a reddy bear
  12. Eats unicorns for breakfast 
  13. Is eaten by unicorns for breakfast xP
  14. Is pooped out by unicorns for breakfast xD
  15. Eww

    Was chased by a hobo
  16. Has a skull under their bed
  17. Has a smelly sock that can knock out a dinosaur under his bed 
  18. Opens cans with her teeth
  19. I have braces so no I can't

    Opens cans with her toe 