Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1.  you know me. So. Freakin. Well.

    Rides the unicorns on the train
  2. 
    Touches theirself while looking at this snowman face
  3. Likes to tickle people's feet
  4. Made this thread go to 2nd page
  5. Thinks Lady Gaga is a women...
  6. But she is a woman right?!

    Is part of an ecosystem :geek:
  7. Eats chickens raw
  8. Is a alien disguised as a human..
  9. Is a human Disguised as an alien
  10. Can make this face  in RL
  11. Hmm... Have we met before? 0_o

    Liks mudkips
  12. Here me goes 

    Lemoncola was 'The Nerd' when he was little. He never learned to ride a bike, never set ANYTHING on fire, Unless it exploded in his scientific laboratory, and never ate more than one slice of extra-extra-jumbo-cheesy-pizza. Well, one day when he was seven he invinted a new drink. LEMON Cola! He was known throughout the work for his invention.

    One day, though he was sued for copying Cola's NameBrand. By the time he was 18, they had taken all the money he had. His parents were so disappointed that they wouldn't pay for his college.

    He ended up paying for a crappy community called Party in my Dorm. Absolute Madhouse. He gave up his nerd ways, become 'The Party Boy', and finally learned how to ride a bike.

  13.  She just told us HER life story.
  14. Is not. 

    It's actually not very funny at all...

  15. ^Is In Love With My Name
  16. ^ awwwkward.... The long story thing o.o

    and stupid
  17. ^ Needs to figure when to say things and when not to... Because a lot of people like my writing, and a lot of people have asked me to write for them.

    I don't appreciate you calling what Ido stupid.

  18. Has an awesome skill of writing a story