Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Thinks GT*O
    Means " Goats Taste far out "
  2. Likes to see girls gone wild hairy version

  3. Likes me watching it when she lives 1 Block away peeping into my House with binoculars
  4. Is married to Johnny Depp
  5. Is missing all teeth
  6. Likes watching guys gone wild the gay version
  7. Shaves entire body
  8. Waxes a monkey named Steve
  9. Licked a hobo clean
  10. Bathe me in honey
  11. Rubs Chocolate on Pedos and Eats it 

    ( Rubs it on them and peals it of and eats it )

    Okay, Let's Make it Less Perverted now xP
  12. Made out with pedo bear while Micheal Jackson video taped it

    Then he meet poptart cat
  13. :?ི

    Was chased by a pedo
  14. εατs Rαω ροτατοs 
  15. Dances on a hobo
  16. Dances with hobo on STEEEEKS!!!
  17. Eats all my crackers
  18. Arnold Swarzeneger's secret adopted child
  19. I'm too black to be Arnold kid

    Dances naked with mayo
  20. Made out with math teacher