Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Ewww not her

    Is in the closet
  2. Looks like Miley Cyrus
  3.  how did u know?!?! Lol

    Bathes in oatmeal
  4. Itches my butt
  5. Licks my foot
  6. Likes people licking her foot
  7. Likes seeing her lick people foot
  8. Haha I'd die laughing I'm too ticklish

    Eats raw chicken breasts
  9. Likes eating KFC
  10. Frogs r my family

    Chews on leaves
  11. 87/64 117/49 1,152 134 
  12. Likes watching half naked guys dancing around him
  13. Thinks people like to watch him :roll:
  14. Strips for pudding
  15. Eats cats for a living
  16. Killed Steve jobs
  17.  Thinks that Tractors are Sexy