Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Wait what does that mean jacob imprint the baby
  2. It means that she is basically all he can think about. He will do anything or be anything for her, whether it be a brother, a friend, or a lover.
  3. Isn't that being a pedophile in some way
  4. Yes it is like being pedophile....
  5. ARI! can I have a story!? hahaha lol
  6. Twilight talk 

    Im out of here 
  7. I was clapping for your awesome stories.


    I also read all the books...but I don't think the Volturi and the others fought because the Cullens brought other vampires with powers and the head of the Volturi didn't wanna lose those vampire with powers so he called it off...correct me I'm wrong :?

    The only people who had a "fight" was Bella and that other girl who could torture someone just by thinking of it/looking at them. It was more like a mental fight :?
  8. Anyways...back on topic

    Is scooby-doo
  9. Is Kim Kardashian's left butt cheek
  10. >.<

    Is Kim Kardashain's right butt cheek
  11. Is a fork
  12. Eww Kim Karadashin sucks

    Is married to pegiuns
  13. Has a third nipple
  14. Penguins are amazing
    Is an alien
  15. I come in peace lol

    Lives under Miley Cyrus' bed