Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Mmm Kay. 

    Pinktiger's name was clichéd. She wasn't always called Pinktiger though. Growing up, her name was Mearl. It caused her to be disowned and to be disliked throughout higschool. She became Goth, wearing mainly blacks and purples.

    One day, the high schoolers pushed her a little to far. They shoved her into the locker room shower, and left one jock in there with her to... That day would scar her forever. Not only did she lose her virginity against her will, but she managed to her the jock who did. Badly. She roar down the shower nozzle and beat him until he couldn't breath.

    She ran away to Africa, subsiding in the jungle. She eventually learned the tigers' ways, and adopted the name Pinktiger. She was rescued by 'Tree Huggers', or the people who wanted to save the forests. They nursed her back to sanity, and sent her off to a deadbeat college called Party in my Dorm. It was all the could afford, because the were in fact Forest Naturalists.

    Pinktiger's adventure in the first stuck with her throughout college, where she became a loved cheerleader, despite the memories that would haunt her forever.

  2. 
  3. Can I have a Story?!
  4. Cereza, your profile is a nerd :p I just base my stories off of your profiles...

    Kaname, why the ''s?

    Pinktiger, whaddya think? 

    Lol, don't be offended by my stories...
    There just figments of my imagination built off of your profiles and names. 

  5. Can I Have one?'
  6. Here we go 

    Keziah Had a good life... She had a wonderful boyfriend, amazing friends, and just the right popularity level.

    Well, one day, while she was only 17 and her boyfriend was 18, he took her to a Sooners game. On the big cam, he gave her a promise ring, and asked that once they were both in college, she would marry him. She tearfully rejected him, and ran out of the stadium.

    Her parents then disowned her because they always knew Keziah's boyfriend would be the one for her.

    She lived on the highschool premises until the day she graduated, where she moved on to a crappy community college named Party in my Dorm, since she was living off of her own scarse money. She ended up as a college cheerleader, doing 'sexy cheers' for the men just to 'earn a profit'.

  7. Wow your such a good writer  Can you make fun of twilight
  8. No -.- I  Twilight.

    No matter what you say, I've read all of the Stephanie Meyer's books, and she's amazing. She expressed modern day love with a twist in such a passionate, exhilarating way, that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

  9. Ahhh a twilight fan it burns
  10. 

    Burn Baby Burn... 

  11. I loved the story!
  12. Rofl I'm just awesome like that 


  13. I'm sorry it just I'm not a big twilight fan, her books are just not what I thought they were,Bella just a Mary sue and Edward he just messed it my opinion though
  14. I read all the books the only part I liked was when Edward Almost killed Bella during you know bow chika wow wow
  15. Ikr 

    I'm a big fan of any story that has: Cussing, Teenage Drama, Sex, Romance, and dirty stuff 

  16. Hey what happens next does Edward break her spinei rememeber that

    Nope. They have a baby and Jacob Imprints on the baby, Renesmee. The Vultrari then comes after the baby, but the Cullen family recruit other vampire families and then they fight, but the Cullen's end up winning the fight and the Vultrari leave them alone. The books end with Bella and Edward in there cottage having sex... 

  18. Damn that one hell of a spoiler alert 