Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Liked the grandma foot smell
  2. Ate my grandmas foot!
  3. Owns every Jimmy Neutron movie and episode ever made 
  4. Maybe I do......

    Is a bald rat in really life!
  5. Likes to see my mama shake her bootie
  6. Watches her mama shake her bootie
  7. Are you ready?!

    Kaname was secretly living a double life. She grew up in Japan. She met a man, married him, and had six children. Well, unknowingly, she fell in love with someone online. The username was SSShovelLOLJk. Well, after she was madly in love, she learned that 'he' was a 'she'. Kaname knew that gender shouldn't affect love, so she flew out to meet Kate, or SSShovelLOLJk, and had a beautiful, blissful weekend with her.

    That continued until the day Kaname's husband met SSShovelLOLJk online also, and somehow they ended up at Kate's house at the same time.

    Long Story Short. Every Relationship ended that day.


    PS. 
  8. Arianna is actually a story teller. She earn money from kids who listen to her  fairy tales. 
  9. Would like some fries with that
  10. Here. I. Go.

    Leothecool's original name was LeonardoTheMudgeMucker. He grew up in Australia. His parents had abandoned him when he was a baby, so he ended up growing with his abusive foster family.

    One day, they shoved a broomstick down his throat and shoved him in a closet, just to see what would happen. He sat there for so long that his throat enclosed around the broom, almost as if it was another part of his body. He could still breath, so he beat down the closet door. He found his foster parents in the bedroom, naked, fondling each other on the computer desk. He yanked the broom from his flesh, and began to beat and stab them with the broom.

    The fosters parents died in a painful, naked, blissful, blood soaked heap. So, Leonardo, knowing he would get in trouble, changed his name and move far, far, far away from Australia. He moved all the way to Canada.

    You may now congratulate me on being this threads awesomest writer. 

  11. Ariana is a amazing writer who got her talent from a wizard!
  12. Can you write a story about me
  13. Nobody post while I write his/her story!!

  14. CerezaXMorte wasn't always a nerd. She used to be the world's most famous toddler. She went through high school being popular. You know, the usual. Losing her virginity at 14, having the best of everything, clothes, shoes, friends, boyfriend(s), hairstyles. Everything. She went on like that until she became titled 'SLUT' by even her own friends.

    She thanked the day she was whisked off to some lousy community college called 'Part in my Dorm'. What kind of name is that for a damn college?! WHORES AND PERVERTS 101. Sadly, she let herself go. She began to focus more on her studies than her men, and eventually came the stereotypical nerd, but to her advantage, her beauty was natural, so behind her pigtails, overalls, and glasses, you could always tell she once the 'It Girl'. The 'Popular One'. Sexy.

  15. Can u make story for me too?
  16. Wow how did she know I was a nerd
  17. I don't know....
  18. 