Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Eats paper nomm nomm
  2. Is atucally a goddess and grant wishes to all
  3.  is a billionaire, and doenst know it
  4. Got chased by an earthworm
  5. Ate the earthworm in self defense 
  6. Chased by a bunch of Justin BieberssingingBaby,Baby,Baby oh baby baby baby oh baby baby oh I hope you wil min mine
  7. 

    Writes songs for Justin Beiber.
  8. What so funny

    Is Justin Bieber and dances around
  9. 

    Was the person who hit Justin Beiber with the bottle (or whatever it was) in that one concert (or whatever it was).
  10. I don't get it what so funny

    Is the Twelve year old kid that Justin Bieber was playing laser tag with
  11. :? I'm not 12

    Was chased by ice-cream
  12.  knows ice cream
  13. Is Me
  14.  I'm you?

    Has a unicycle
  15. Lives in a igloo with polar bears 
  16. 100 pages
  17. Eats lamb brains
  18. th post