Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Knows the secrets to life
  2. Loves me
  3. Got beaten by a girl 
  4. Is slightly delusional 
  5. 

    Got chased by an ant
  6. Wished theybwere as cool as me
  7. Foiled my seduction 
  8.  Knows I'm Santa
  9. Shouldve sat down 
  10. Thinks I didn't sit down?
  11. It was for a reason. I wasn't trying to seduce you just for fun. Promise. 

    Is a cat woman
  12. It's a Mans Best friend a Dog...
    Need a Collar
  13. Lost his collar
  14. Made a new one with bacon sent
  15. Smells like bacon a lot
  16. Loves the smell if bacon. And leo
  17. Knows how to rap
  18. Knows how to rap
  19. Is an alien