Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Holds the glass of milk between two very thick gloves. And wears a gas mask to deliver
  2. Yodels every Friday night lol
  3. How did you know 0_o

    People watches
  4. Secret?


    #OpenBook! ~Ari
  5. arianna cant think of words to say for this game, just lyk me 
  6. Pshh Speak for Yourself!!

    Aiza's secret can not only be fun, but also deadly.

    Every night on the prowl, she finds a guy. Not just any guy, but a guy that LOOKS like he has it all. His suit snazzy and his pockets stuffed. She convinces him to take her to dinner, then AFTER is where the excitement begins. She sedates them. Seduces then. Then Slits their throats, taking there money and anything else that could earn her some extra cash.

    Living Large, and Living Deadly.

    Talk About Fiesty. 

  7. 
  8. Wahaha thats my secret, howd u find out?
    Well ive been sneaking around Shananan's house and I found out nothing about her. That's her secret she has nothing
    Im broke
  9. Makes me Laugh...
  10. Has a shrine built to Alex Pettyfer and many hot guys that are shirtless dancing around it. Every night at ten precisely Leo belly dances to the images on the shrine that is twenty feet tall.
  11. o_O

    Kissed a frog thinking it was a prince...
  12. Picks his nose when no one is looking.
  13. Saw him picking his nose
  14. likes to watch people eat
  15. I'm a girl.

    Likes to talk about watching people eat 
  16. we don't know that
  17. likes skinny dipping in public pools with little kids 
  18. I have no secrets!

  19. Lol it's ok

    Likes colors...