Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Talks to bushes
  2. Azarah likes to talk to pixies and fairies and unicorns!!  wait, that's me, nvm. 
  3. Why kind of bush 
  4. 

    A bush in the ground 

    Carries a lance
  5. Lies to herself
  6. Is missing a butt cheek
  7. Can't walk in a straight line
  8. is Michael Jackson reincarnated
  9. xD ^ Is a...

  10. uses other people's toothbrushes. 

  11. plays with puppies
  12. Talks with plants
  13. ^^Likes to eat rainbows
  14.  Ate a gorilla once
  15. Sniffs my butt which smells like Cotten candy 