Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Knows that just down right disguiting and shoots the tv because their eyes were burning from the horror of bad jokes and sweet n nibblets
  2. Listens to Katy Perry :?
  3. Azarah Learns Everything from Me 
  4. Can you teach me how to fly
  5. If you want 
  6. has a crush on Azarah :?

  7. Flying!

    Eats lemons!
  8. And I think you...erm...scared him away. 
  9. I want to learni just hope you don't eat me
  10. Omnomnomnomnomnom
  11. Nooo Im to awesome to die
  12. Lol  you can read it? 

    Likes flying penguins
  13. Haha yeah I can read it...

    Runs with kangaroos!
  14. Can jump like a kangaroo
  15. Thats was meant for Azarah -.- but oh well...

    Has herpes virus... 
  16. Has taken a arrow in the knee
  17. Died 10 seconds ago. Is a ghost.
  18. Lol

    Can see ghosts.