Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Taught me how to fly
  2. Yes I did.

    Now knows how to fly because she had an awesome teacher.

  3.  ate my flying teacher

  4. B-b-but I WAS the teacher.

    Doesn't know what she's taklking about.
  5.  knows that you can eat yourself
  6. Is Sexy and she knows it
  7. Mows the lawn shirtless
  8. Knows she wants to see that 
  9. I'm cool Sexy like that 

    Eats Grass
  10. I'm Up for that az
  11. 

    Dresses like a ghost
  12. Doesn't want to see that
  13. Thinks people can't see her Mowing the lawn
  14. doesnt know what their talking about
  15. Takes lessons from leosky
  16. Watches dora the explorer
  17. Has Bieber fever
  18.  Knows that just disguiting
  19. Secretly watches Hannah Montana