Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Try this it actually works! :D

    1. hold your Breath for 20 Min

    2. Die
  2. ^^^Likes eating rats:)
  3. Does meth
  4. Bites people
  5. Bites chocolate people
  6. That just reminded me of that Hershey's commercial (Yum..chocolate people).

    Is secretly made of chocolate.
  7. Melted herself
  8. The person above pealed my chapped lips for me.
  9. The person above likes to sniff socks.
  10. Is crazy...
  11. Is awesome 
  12. Is funnily crazy
  13. Likes to hug strangers

  14. Found a monkey unicorn
  15. Is the monkey unicorn