Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. 

    Saves the squirrels 
  2. Should check my pics on the demotic atonal pic thread
  3. Umm...demotivational*......I don't know...don't ask....
  4. Completly ignores squirrels
  5. Is in love with a squirrel
  6. Is spending 15 Seconds I'n a Closet 
  7. Is married to a cat but is having an affair with a potato(don't ask I'm ummm "odd")

  8. Is a potato
  9. Eats soup with fork:)
  10.  I did that today!!!!

    Owns a raccoon
  11. Wants to have my racoon:)
  12. Killed a bunny, ate a lizard, and is stalking a loaf of bread
  13. Sucks on frogs' elbows
  14. Likes Blink 182:)
  15. Is a stranger 
  16. Secretly loves dancing in their basement
  17. Is a stripper... 

     just in their basement
  18. Eats popcorn off the floor 
  19. Dances pole dance 

  20. Is addicted to cheese 