Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Really thinks Leo is a troll.
  2.  not to offend.
  3. Eats dora
  4. Is a troll 
  5. You know me so well 

    Has alot of cyanide
  6. Eats my sandwiches 
  7. Likes Pie! 

  8. Likes disturbing me
  9. Likes seeing You Freak out 
  10. Is too loco :lol:
  11. it's Cool

    Like leothecool
  12. ._. small print.

    Likes making me squint...
  13. ....

    Watched spongebob squarepants while wearing squarepants :?
  14. Enjoys oval pants
  15. Eats sandy... 
  16. Doesnt know that the one time i went squirrel hunting with my dad i cried the entire time•~•