Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. they have bread and fish isn't that enough
  2. but im from illinois and i totally agree with her
  3. The bears suck just let you know buddy
  4. the bears?
  5. the football bears?
  6. No the baseballs bears
  7. i no watch football
  8. Is it better 
  9. Offtopic much -.-
  10. Secretly is planing to hack your eyebrows off with califlower 

    -Jim 
  11. Plays with baby tigers
  12. Enjoys long walks on the beach and licking mustard from a spoon 

  13. Knows me to well
  14. is domo and rides a llama
  15. Stuck inside a Lama costume