Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Fox toad Azarah wasn't above you  i would go to that wallmart
  2. BrilliantWatches nude women Run around Wallmart!
  3. Lol! @Leo
  4. back on topic

    Eats worms for breakfast

  5. Poked an elephants tongue
  6. Stroked an Elephants Tongue
  7. Licked an elephants tongue
  8. Has a fuzzy pink snake as a pet.
  9. Bites horses:)
  10. Just because my name is like that vampire guy in Vampire Knight doesn't mean I like to bite -.- 

    Got chased by a horse
  11. Im afraid of horseand i didnt know it was a vampire
    steals candy from stores
  12. Makes me steal candies from store.

    Lol it's ok.
  13. Hates candy
  14. Has candyphobia (don't even know if that's a real word).
  15. is afraid of rubber snakes
  16. Only if I get hit by it...it hurts like hell

    Has pranked someone with a rubber snake
  17. true:)
    Is a chili lover
  18. Had Britney spears babies
  19. Yesh I like spicy stuff

    Is twin sister of Brittany Spears