Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. :lol:
    Traps fairies in the bubbles
  2. Pops my fairy filled bubbles 
  3. Likes touching belly buttons
  4.  has no belly button
  5. Lol

    Has a belly button -_-
  6. Has Several Belly buttons 
  7. Oh thank god. If I had a belly button then we would not be friends.

    Has 3 belly buttons
  8. Has a belly button on her for head

  9. Has a belly button on his nose
  10. Likes the Number, 6, 9, 33, 69, 120
  11. Touched the belly buttons!
  12. Likes Touching my belly button 
  13. I don't get it :?

    Likes talking about belly buttons
  14. Bites belly buttons 
  15. Did you know it you touch somebody belly button more then 30 seconds its considered rape...

    Likes Flying Houses
  16.  it is?

    Bit Charlie
  17. Has flown to candy mountain on a charlie
  18. Is jealous they don't have a unicorn
  19. Lol
    Nommed on Candy Mountain
  20. Secretly likes to tie mens underwear to their head and run around Walmart nude