Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Eats Grass
  2. ^them  sorry I was lazy now I feel less lazy
  3. 

    Is lazy 
  4. Is elves best friend:)
  5. Loves elves
  6. Has a Giraffe in her room
  7. Wow

    Shot the giraffe.
  8. Stuffed the Giraffe
  9. Took the giraffe
  10. Knows it's laying in her bed
  11. Needs to get out of my bedroom
  12. Has massive bouts of diarrhea. jk 

  13. Is a serial killer
  14. Bathes homeless people
  15.  is a homeless person
  16. Bonus!

    Likes Playing with Bubbles
  17. Takes bubble baths