Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. No no no

    Delicious as chocolate 
  2. Softy bff Won't tell me exactly what's wrong 
  3. @Softy . Awesome , sweet and funny . Like Hershey's 

    @Azarh Licorice
  4. Okay!

    I think licorice tastes like rubber.
  5. How could you Azarah
  6.  it does!

    To you is licorice better than chocolate? 
  7. No I just like the sugar make me want chocolate 
  8. 

    Still don't like licorice. Chocolate = secret lover 
  9. I chocolate tho
  10. Ohh Well then I want chocolate.
    Licorice = crap

  11. You did say softy was like Hersheys
  12. Yes A perfect mixture of chocolate and sugar Delicious
  13.  I don't mix like that
  14. B-b-but you do
  15. 

  16. You gotta admit that's just wrong tho