Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Lol... Secretly hurt inside

    has super powers!:)
  2. Secretly hurt inside
  3. Chomps unicorns 
  4. Throws potatoes at people
  5. Killed Osama bin laden
  6. Watches too many soap operas :lol:
  7. Secretly is dating brittney spears 
  8. Knows that's ewwy
  9. Has a fake mustache
  10. Has ate their finger
  11. Is a pony lover YAY! Ponys
  12. Oh gosh  is a bronco fan 
  13. Eats flowers
  14. Yummy. Voted for Clinton (girl)
  15. Cant vote yet.../:

    Wears skirts on Sundays
  16. Thank god of on Sunday's those are the only days I don't go out  has nails like a cat
  17. Yeah:) i like long nails:) and kittens. Is afraid of giraffes
  18. @Azarah Delicious as Licorice