Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Turned into a frog
  2. Is awesome
  3.  but i eat i frogs
  4. Awww thank you! 

    Turned into a prince
  5. Im her best friend
  6. eats zombies
  7. Smiles WAYYYY too much 
  8. Yay:)  hates happy faces
  9. Scares children with her never ending smiles...
  10. ... Scares away people with her bad humor kidding:)
  11. Runs with the penguins (which are cute and cuddly and awesome like thee) 

    At soft...
  12. Is secretly hurt inside
  13. Is nicer 
  14. Is sweet like chocolate
  15. Lol... Secretly hurt inside

    has super powers!:)
  16. Drinks dirt juice.?? 