Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Frees those elves.
  2. Names werewolves
  3. Plays soccer with zombies
  4. Kicks zombies heads
  5. :lol:

    Knows who Enrique Iglesias is.
  6.  ate him first
  7. Ate his ass third 
  8.  

    Likes to hear him sing
  9. Has lost their mind before
  10. Thinks he can talk to animals.
  11. It's true

    Never returned my hamster
  12. Knows he never did give me a hamster.
  13. Smells like dog breath.
  14. Loves the smell of dog breath 
  15. Got lost in the woods started starving ate a cricket
  16. ^^Fell in love with a beetle